The Bloomsbury book series Social theory and methodology in education research was launched in 2017, and the first book published is Foucault and School Leadership Research: Bridging Theory and Method, by Denise Mifsud. Already there are 6 books under contract and a number of others out for review or in preparation. I am delighted with the level of interest shown in the series, and also with the 

quality of contributors so far. Keep an eye out for books on theorising education governance and educational aspirations, both of which should be published sometime in 2018.

As the series progresses I am keen to read proposals that build on the already existing strengths of the series, particularly proposals which engage with core issues in education – equity, inclusion, identity, power, pedagogy, curriculum, assessment, learning, governance, leadership. I am especially keen to engage with authors who have conducted research on areas related to knowledge, culture, language, the body and emotions, as well as concepts central to classical social theory – the state, civil society, the economy. Please get in touch if you are involved in research in these areas and are applying a socio-theoretical lens to your endeavours.

I am especially keen to talk to early career researchers who have completed doctoral studies in one or more of these areas, who  have  applied a hybrid form of social theory to their findings, who consider their work to be strongly interdisciplinary and who are producing highly innovative forms of knowledge. If you consider yourself to be in this bracket (or alternatively have supervised someone like this), please get in touch as I would be delighted to hear you – my email is  (don’t forget the .2).

Have a wonderful festive break everyone, best wishes, Mark