Submission Guidelines
Submissions must include clear and coherent information for reviewers to assert the significance of the presentation/ activity proposed.
Extended abstracts of 750 words should clearly detail:
- The focus of the research or teaching practice and the specific research question(s) or problematic underpinning it
- The social theory/ies and theorist(s) drawn upon for the conceptualisation of the presentation/activity proposed
- Explicit reflections of how theories used offer unique ways of thinking about/ putting into practice the issues explored
Possible formats and time allocation:
- Papers (20 mins)
- Symposium (60 mins)
- Round table discussions (60 mins)
- Workshop (90 mins)
- Activity (90 mins)
- Plenary (60 mins)
- Poster session
- Other (get in touch with the chairs to discuss format)
Criteria for Review
Abstracts will be reviewed in accordance with the following criteria:
- Relevance to the conference theme
- Rigour of the work submitted
- Significance for teaching, research and/or policy
- Clarity and coherence of narrative
- Suitability for the format chosen
Each submission will be reviewed by 2 reviewers and rated as one of the following:
- Accepted
- Accepted with revisions
- Rejected
Submit Online
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