Category: Foucault
Introducing Institutional Ethnography for Research in Education
by Clare Sutton | Editor's Choice, Foucault, Knowledge, Latest Posts, Theory | 2
As a College-Based Higher Education (CBHE) course leader I continually, and often frustratingly,...
Read MoreFoucault and the dyslexic subject
by Caroline Simblett | Foucault, Language, Latest Posts, Media, Research Students | 0
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty which affects reading, writing, spelling and memory skills and...
Read MoreConstructing student politics in the age of consumerism: the perspectives of sabbatical officers in England
by Rille Raaper | Foucault, Latest Posts | 0
[This is a blog post based on my forthcoming talk at the PESGB Gregynog Conference, taking place...
Read MoreAre students really consumers of higher education? A counter-argument from assessment regimes
by Rille Raaper | Foucault, Latest Posts | 0
Just published: Raaper, R. (2018). Students as consumers? A counter perspective from student...
Read MoreConsumerism and student politics: strange bedfellows?
by Rille Raaper | Foucault, Social Justice | 0
Students’ Unions and Consumerist Policy Discourses in England: An Exploration of Discursive...
Read MoreTracing power and student subjectivity in assessment. A Foucauldian perspective
by Rille Raaper | BERA 2016, Foucault, Latest Posts | 0
[This is a blog post based on a forthcoming presentation at the British Education Research...
Read MoreFoucault, hybridization and social research: reflections on the Foucault @90 Conference
by Mark Murphy | Foucault, Latest Posts, Method, Theory, Uncategorized | 0
I was fortunate enough to attend the recent Foucault @90 conference, held at the University of...
Read MoreDramatic encounters: My methodological engagement with Foucault [PART 2]
by Denise Mifsud | Foucault, Latest Posts, Method | 0
This carries on from the previous blog post that explored policy reception in terms of...
Read MoreBorrowing from Foucault: his notions of discourse and governmentality [PART 1]
by Denise Mifsud | Foucault, Governance | 0
[This blog post refers to the following article: Mifsud, D. (2015) ‘Decentralised’ neoliberalism...
Read MoreAcademic perceptions of higher education assessment processes in neoliberal academia
by Rille Raaper | Foucault, Latest Posts | 0
Just published: Raaper, R. (2015). Academic perceptions of higher education assessment processes...
Read MoreFoucault, psychology and the analytics of power
by Mark Murphy | Foucault | 0
Book: Derek Hook (2010) Foucault, psychology and the analytics of power (Palgrave Macmillan)...
Read MoreThe ‘Religion versus Science’ debate: Foucault and regimes of truth
by Huw Davies | Foucault | 0
Recent, high-profile debates between representatives of religion and science show this rivalry is...
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Class mobility and the ‘limbo identity’Jan 18, 2021