Imagining the future after Brexit: Academics tell their stories
Call for Participation
What is this research about?
After four decades of membership, the UK has voted to leave the European project. The ramifications of Brexit are starting to be felt both within and outside the ‘Brexit area’ and are likely to continue to be felt for years to come after the UK finally leaves the European Union. However, little is known about the impact that Brexit is having on academics, a set of skilled workers who face significant post-Brexit upheaval in not only their employment options and future opportunities, but also their social lives. The impact is not only felt by EU citizens currently living in the UK; it also affects British citizens currently living and working abroad. We are interested in the perspectives of both groups.
This research focuses on EU academics living and working in the UK & British academics living and working abroad.
If you would like to participate in this research, please download the info sheet and narrative guidance here.
Information about the project : This research project conducted by Dr Cristina Costa (University of West of England), Dr Mark Murphy (University of Glasgow) and Dr Rille Raaper (University of Durham) – three European Union Citizens living in the UK – as well as Dr Jenna Condie (Western Sydney University), a British Citizen living in Australia. Our biographical and professional trajectories may hint at our interest in this project!
Who can participate in the research?: This project aims to recruit EU academics living and working in the UK and British academics living and working outside of the UK.
Do I need to participate?: There is no requirement for you to participate in the research. Participation is voluntary. We anticipate that it will take approximately 20-30 minutes to develop your narrative. You are free to write it, but you can also audio recorded it for example, if easier. Guidance on the structure of the narrative is provided below. You can also request an interview with us if you prefer that method of narrating your experiences.
Confidentiality and Safety of Data: The information you provide is considered confidential. Full anonymity will be guaranteed, unless requested otherwise. Hence, real names and any identifying features – shall you provide them as part of your narrative – will be replaced with coded information in the field notes, the final report as well as in any additional documentation which might derive from the research activity. The file with the coded information will be stored in a password protected folder and uploaded and stored as encrypted files. Any printed documentation will be filed in a locked cabinet, only accessible by the researchers. (for the full details regarding Confidentiality and Safety of Data, right to withdraw and digital securiy please download the information sheet here)
This investigation was granted ethical approval by the Ethics Committee at the University of the West of England.
If you would like to participate in this research, please download the info sheet and narrative guidance here.
Shall you wish to learn more about the project, you can do so by contacting Cristina Costa at cristina2.costa @